We have a number of services dedicated to different aspects of nursing. If you are not sure where to start, simply book a comlimentary 30 minute kickstart call and let’s work out your needs.
In addition to being a legal requirement for the NMC revalidation process, reflective discussion is an extremely rewarding activity as a nurse. Reflective discussion enables you to revisit an encounter, an experience, an incident in a calm and measured way. This process helps you tease out both the positive and negative aspects so that learning can take place, practice can grow and learning needs be identified.
Working in an independent setting can lead to isolation and anxieties and concerns about many different aspects of your working day. Whatever setting you practice in, your practice can develop with the use of reflective practice.
Finally you will have a record of your discussion emailed to you for your records. You will also have the opportunity to book further sessions if wanted.
You must ensure that the NMC registrant with whom you had your reflective discussion signs the approved form recording their name, NMC Pin, email, professional address and postcode, as well as the date you had the discussion.
- The opportunity to work with ‘self- made’ Nurses who are happy to share their experiences and help you to be the best you can be.
- Meet your legal requirements for the V300 course.
- Have the ability for post qualification support.
To add yourself to the waiting list or make an enquiry, simply drop us an email.
Are you fed up with your career progression and feel that you want to do something for yourself?
Nurses are so well placed to create small businesses either on the side or with a view to building over time to replace your main source of income.
Using our experience of over 11 years of business success, we can offer you bespoke guidance on coming up with an concept, putting a plan together and acheiving liftoff with your own business.Having run 2 successful businesses side by side for 11 and 7 years respectively, we have experienced the pitfalls, acheived the highs and overcome the various obstacles that we never even knew existed at the outset.
Get started with a one hour assessment call. My role is to help you to bounce ideas around and create a concept for you to take forward. This bespoke support will involve building a project around your values and ambitions. You will receive weekly tasks and resources that have been tailored to you sepcifically. You will have fortnightly one to one sessions to help you move along a continuum and keep you focused.
You will have the opportunity to absorb the learning that has taken place over years without having to go through the pitfalls yourself.
Our mission is to get you where you want to be.
Click here to sign up for your 3 month programme and then get booked in for your kick start call.
Download your starting point guide
Having reached a point where you realise that burnout is a future possibility - now is the time to start working out how to avoid - Prevention is always better than cure!

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